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Tax Instructions



- Any dependent that you claim (regardless of age) must have a Social Security number.

If this information is not provided, the IRS and the state of California will disallow them as a deduction.

Make sure that you have received all of the tax documents for 2020 before contacting us. If we process your return and then you receive more information, we will have to re-do your returns, at an additional cost to you. Check for:

  • All W-2s for all jobs worked in 2020
  • All 1099 MISC forms for any independent contract labor performed or commissioned sales jobs worked.
  • All 1099 Interest or 1099 Dividend statements for bank accounts, stock sales, stock dividends, 1098 mortgage payments, real estate sales, etc. 1099-C or 1099-A for any cancellation of Debt or Foreclosure, 1095-A,B or C regarding proof of healthcare.Social Security Benefits collected, 1009-R for Retirement/IRS distributions.
  • Notice of State Tax Refund received
  • Any notices that have been received from the IRS or State Tax Board during the year, regarding previous filings.
  • Any tax related papers that you feel that we need to review in order to complete your taxes accurately.

Employers and financial institutions must mail the required W-2s and 1099s not later than February 1, 2021. If you have not received paperwork that you're expecting by February 20, 2021, contact them and request the information be sent immediately. The government has changed the mail-by date for For 1095-A, B or C to March 2, 2021. This is the required proof of healthcare insurance If you have trouble getting documents, please call our office for assistance.

When you have received all the documents and have all the required information organized, you may follow the instructions outlined below and have your information processed via fax or e-mail a.

Please note that we plan to maintain fairly regular office hours starting February 3, 2021 until May 15, 2021. This means that we will be in the office, available for communication with clients. Please note that we do not have an incoming voice line. We have supplied our new e-mail, a phone line that is text message only and have the same fax number.


1)  Send only one copy of each document. (If you prefer. you can send clearly legible photocopies for us to work from). We Do Not need your tax booklets received from the government. Please do not waste postage mailing them to us. Please do not send us (unless we have accepted the responsibility of doing your annual bookkeeping) all of your receipts, checkbooks, pay stubs, etc. We only require summaries of your deductible expenses and other income (not reported on official documents such as 1099s, W-2s etc.).

2)  If there is anything that has changed, from information that we have on file, please include a note of explanation on a separate piece of paper. All tax returns will be transmitted to you electronically and filed electronically. You will have to sign the necessary consent forms that are to be returned to TACS, Inc. via e-mail. We do not intend to print and mail copies of your returns. You will have both your state and federal returns in the .pdf format and can access them using Adobe Acrobat Reader and can print them out, if you choose. We will be happy to assist you in preparing your data to scan, or fax and transmit to us. We can help with your using your cell phone to do this, if you don’t have a scanner or fax machine. Another alternative is to use Staples, Office Depot or Office Max to transmit. We will not accept info via mail.

3)  PAYMENTS -- Please remember that payment is expected in advance of preparation of returns, but not later than our returning your completed tax returns. We accept checks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover or cash in settlement of tax preparation fees.

Fax information to:  (760) 262-3010


email information to jpinpsp@gmail.com

(use subject “Tax Information Transmittal”)

If you have your data in Quicken or Quickbooks, you may e-mail a backup file as an attachment to your e-mail. If you need assistance in doing this, please call for instructions.

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